Issue - decisions
Contracts Forward Plan - Quarter 4 (2016-2017)
09/02/2017 - Contracts Forward Plan - Quarter 4 (2016-2017)
1. To note the contract summary at Appendix 1 to the report,
2. To request that information updates be provided to the Mayor and Cabinet Members on the following contracts before they proceed to an award.
a) DR5172 – Hard Facilities Management
b) AHS5185 – Public Health Community Development Programme
c) AHS5186 – Health Promotion Programme – Sexual Health
3. To confirm that subject to the above all contracts set out in Appendix 1 to the report can proceed to contract award after tender.
4. To authorise the Service Head - Legal Services to execute all necessary contract documents in respect of the awards of contracts referred at recommendation 3 above.
5. To note the forecast forward plan schedule detailed in Appendix 2 and request that information be provided to the Mayor and Cabinet Members in relation to item R4799 Leaseholders Building Insurance.
Action by:
(Head of Procurement (Z. Ahmed)