Committee and Member Services

reports, decisions and minutes
Here you can view agendas,
reports, decisions and minutes from Council, Cabinet, Committee
meetings and Individual Mayoral Decisions.You can find documents
either by searching by keywords or by browsing through
Guidance on ways of participating can be found here
Watch live or archive film of Council meetings including Virtual Meetings through our webcasting site (external site).
Access Papers via your tablet device
You can also access committee papers via our 'Mod.Gov' app for
android and apple tablets from the relevant app stores Apple
App Store or
Google Play (for Android)
Calendar of Meetings
View our calendar of meetings
Details of the Town Hall Location and Access.
Elected Representatives
and Councillors
The Council has an elected Mayor and 45
Councillors.Details for each can be found here including their
contact details, surgery times and Committee appointments.
If you wish to run to become an elected Member of the Council or find more information on how to do so, information on the process can be found here.
Members of Parliament
(MPs) and the London
Details of the Boroughs' representatives
Decision Making
Forthcoming Decisions
A list of
forthcoming decisions can be found here as well as the
Forthcoming Decisions Plan of decisions to be taken by the
Mayor and Cabinet.
Council Constitution
The Council has adopted a Constitution that sets out how the
Council works and makes decisions. You can view a copy of the
constitution in this section.
How the Council makes decisions
summary of the Council's decision making process with a
structure chart can be found here.
Contact for further information
If you have any comments or suggestions on this section, please contact Democratic Services at London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Town Hall, 160 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1BJ, Tel: 020 7364 4651
E-mail Committee Team