Agenda item
Shopfront Improvements Grants – Middlesex Street Regeneration Programme
- Meeting of Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee, Wednesday, 27th October, 2021 1.30 p.m. (Item 6.2)
- View the background to item 6.2
Ross Hughes (Programme Manager, High Streets & Town Centres Team) provided an overview of the proposals .This report seeks approval to set-up a grant scheme under the Middlesex Street and High Street Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) regeneration programmes, to carry out shopfront and façade improvements to high street properties in the Middlesex Street area.
The Committee were advised of the work to identify suitable shop fronts which if improved, would have the greatest affect, including the appointment of design architects to carry out asset valuation and begin survey work of the properties.
It was also noted that the Council had carried out engagement with the businesses regarding the proposals and it would deliver a number of benefits, such as improving the visual appearance of the high street, by enhancing the shop fronts. This in turn should help improve foot fall and help business recovery.
Due to a number of reasons, including the impact of Covid on local businesses, it was proposed that the business owners should contribute 10% of the costs
The Sub – Committee noted the questions submitted on behalf of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding the following issues:
• The historic decrease in footfall in town centres and how the proposals should improve footfall as well as support recovery. In response, Officers undertook to provide more detailed data on the footfall to the Committee. It was also confirmed that this project formed part of the wider programme of improvements to increase footfall and enhance the appearance of town centres. The budget totalled £705,000 with £405,000 from Middlesex Street Regeneration Programme and £240,000 from the High Street Heritage Action Programme, with the contribution from businesses.
• The risk of demand outstripping supply - should more applications come forward for works to shop fronts – (in addition to the 22 properties identified in the report). Officers advised of the reasons for identifying these buildings. It was also noted that should the demand exceed supply that it may be necessary to look at the need to prioritise properties and follow their plans for such a scenario.
• The safeguards in place in relation to collecting instalments from business and managing any shortfall. Officers confirmed that deposits would be sought and that they had developed contingency plans to manage any shortfall issues should the need arise.
The Committee discussed a number of issues as set out below:
Members further discussed how the improvements (and similar improvements) should help the high street recover and increase footfall to markets and town centres. In response Officers noted the significance of such projects in achieving these aims and how this project should help with this, for by example bringing stakeholders together to facilitate the project. It was also emphasised that the proposals should deliver a number of positive outcomes - both in terms of enhancing the buildings themselves and bringing in more business to the area, which should in turn help regenerate the area and help with such things as filling any empty shops for example.
1. Approve the shopfront improvement grant scheme for the Middlesex Street area.
2. To approve the cost and funding of the project, as set out in the Committee report.
3. To note the specific equalities considerations as set out in Paragraph 4.
Supporting documents:
Shopfront Improvements Grants Report – Middlesex Street Regeneration Programme, item 6.2
PDF 810 KB
Appendix. 1 Upper Facade- – Middlesex Street Regeneration Programme, item 6.2