Agenda, decisions and minutes
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 349 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- King George’s Field Trust update on audited accounts 21/22, current financial position, governance update, activity update and allocation of Fields in Trust grant funding
- Printed decisions
PDF 214 KB
- Printed minutes
PDF 216 KB
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Whitechapel. View directions
Contact: Jack Painter, Democratic Services Officer (Committee) Tel: 020 7364 3038; Email:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992.
See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are reminded to consider the categories of interest in the Code of Conduct for Members to determine whether they have an interest in any agenda item and any action they should take. For further details, please see the attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Members are reminded to declare the nature of the interest and the agenda item it relates to. Please note that ultimately it’s the Members’ responsibility to declare any interests form and to update their register of interest form as required by the Code.
If in doubt as to the nature of your interest, you are advised to seek advice prior to the meeting by contacting the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services
Additional documents: Minutes: None were declared. |
PUBLIC BENEFIT GUIDANCE To note the Charity Commission’s Public Benefit Guidance which explains the duties members have when acting for the King George’s Field Trust. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the Charity Commission’s Public Benefit Guidance be noted. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on Wednesday 22 November 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: That the unrestricted minutes of the Board meeting held on Wednesday 22 November 2023 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record of proceedings. |
Terms of Reference of the King George's Field Charity Board Additional documents: Minutes: The board received a report setting out the board’s terms of reference, membership and quorum of the King George’s Fields Charity Board for 2024/2025.
The board of the trust considered the report and the Chair of the Trust then moved the recommendations and it was:-
RESOLVED that the Board notes it’s terms of reference, membership and quorum as set out in the report submitted. |
King George’s Field Trust audited accounts and annual report 2022/2023 Additional documents: Minutes: The item was withdrawn before the meeting. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The board received a report that provides an update on the submission of the trust’s audited accounts and annual report to the Charity Commission. The report also provides an update on the current financial position and activities delivered by the trust this financial year (2023/24), a governance update and in addition, seeks a decision from the Board on the allocation of grant funding from Fields in Trust.
The board of the trust considered the report and the Chair of the Trust then moved the recommendations and it was:-
RESOLVED that the Board;
1. Notes the update on audited accounts and annual reports to the Charity Commission. 2. Notes the forecasted financial position for 2023/24 as set out in appendix 1 in the report submitted. 3. Notes the activities update for 2023/24 as set out in appendix 2 in the report submitted. 4. Notes the Governance update. 5. Reviewed the options set out in appendix 3 in the report submitted and agreed for officers to take forward the Match fund practice cricket nets at a KGFT park / open space, creation of a small refreshment kiosk at Stepney Green Astroturf and Match funding towards Playzone scheme upgrades to the artificial pitches at Mile End Park. 6. Note, and have regard to, the Charity Commission’s Public Benefit Guidance as set out in appendix 4 in the report submitted. |
King George’s Field Trust Review of Fees and Charges 2024/25 Additional documents:
Minutes: The board received a report that provides an update of a review by the Council’s Arts, Parks and Events of fees and charges for the hire of assets owned by King George’s Field (Mile End) charity. The report also provides an overview of the benchmarking carried out by officers and proposed options for new fees and charges for the hire of the Art and Ecology Pavilions and Stepney Green astroturf facility.
The board of the trust considered the report and the Chair of the Trust then moved the recommendations and it was:-
RESOLVED that the Board;
1. approves the proposed hire charge increases for the Art and Ecology Pavilions from June 2024 and authorises the Corporate Director of Communities and Corporate Director of Resources to implement the new Charges as shown in Appendix 1 in the report submitted.
2. approves the proposed hire charge increase for the Stepney Green astroturf from June 2024 and authorises the Corporate Director of Communities and Corporate Director of Resources to implement the new Charges as shown in Appendix 2 in the report submitted. |
King George’s Field Trust update on leases for Commercial and Retail Assets Additional documents:
Minutes: The board received a report that provided an update on the lease arrangements for the King George’s Field Trust (KGFT) retail and rental units, income from which supports the Charity to maintain park land and amenities for the benefit of Tower Hamlets residents. This Report also provides an update in respect of lease renewal discussions and service charge arrears.
The report outlines requirements for management arrangements and recommends that a new management agent contract is tendered.
It was decided that the board would consider this item with the exclusion of the press and public. What was resolved by the board is shown below.
The board of the trust considered the report and the Chair of the Trust then moved the recommendations and it was:-
RESOLVED that the board;
1. Notes the status of payments received and arrears for Green Bridge retail units. 2. Notes the ongoing discussions with “Tenant A” in respect of outstanding arrears and their lease arrangements and approve the proposal from the tenant to offset their arrears. 3. Notes the outcome of discussions in respect of the rent review for “Tenant B” and their lease arrangements. 4. Notes the current position with regard to negotiations with “Tenant C” regarding their lease renewal. 5. Notes the status of lease renewal arrangements with “Tenant D”. 6. Note the ongoing discussions with “Tenant E” regarding their rent review. |
EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC In view of the contents of the remaining items on the agenda the Committee is recommended to adopt the following motion:
“That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the consideration of the Section Two business on the grounds that it contains information defined as Exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972.”
The exempt committee papers in the agenda will contain information, which is commercially, legally or personally sensitive and should not be divulged to third parties. If you do not wish to retain these papers after the meeting, please hand them to the Committee Officer present. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair MOVED and it was:
That, under the provisions of Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the consideration of the Section Two business on the grounds that it contains information defined as Exempt in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972. |
EXEMPT REPORTS FOR CONSIDERATION Additional documents: Minutes: See minute 4.5. |