Committee details
King George's Field Charity Board
Purpose of committee
This is an Executive Body. The role of the Board is as follows:
To administer the affairs of the King George’s Field, Mile End charity, and the King George’s Field – Stepney (Tredegar Square, Bow) charity and discharge all duties of the Council as sole trustee of these Charities.
To administer the affairs and discharge the duties of trustee of such other Charities controlled by the Council as the Cabinet might authorise by resolution.
The Board is made up of the Mayor and all Members of the Cabinet.
The quorum is 3 Members of the Board.
Web Casts
Films of recent meetings are available to view (external site).
- Mayor Lutfur Rahman (Chair)
- Councillor Maium Talukdar (Member)
- Councillor Kabir Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Musthak Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Saied Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Shafi Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Gulam Kibria Choudhury (Member)
- Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury (Member)
- Councillor Kamrul Hussain (Member)
- Councillor Abdul Wahid (Member)
Contact information
Support officer: Jack Painter, Democratic Services Officer (Committee). Tel: 020 7364 3038; Email:
Postal address:
Town Hall
160 Whitechapel Road
E1 1BJ
Phone: 020 7364 3038
Web site: