Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Room C3, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Farhana Zia, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 020 7364 0842, E-mail:
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Minutes: Councillors Ehtasham Haque, Rajib Ahmed, Shah Ameen, Shad Chowdhury, Leema Qureshi and Gabriela Salva-Macallan declared that Mr Bobby Nagpal, supporter of the application at 2.2, Boonsara, 87 Whitechapel High Street, had contacted them by phone, email and text however they had not engaged in any dialogue with Mr Nagpal and had no pecuniary interest. Members declared they were considering the application with an open mind and here had been no pre-determined decision on the matter.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Ms Natalie Thompson, Principal Environmental Health Officer informed Members the application before them was to consider the revocation of a Special Treatment Licence for Health and Beauty Centre, 1 Gunthorpe Street London E1 7RG.
Ms Thompson stated that the Licensing Authority was requesting the Committee to revoke the licence following evidence that the Licence Holder, Mr Gary Bugby had abdicated his responsibilities in running and managing his business and that the former occupants, Mr Wai Ming Yau and Mrs Chak Wa Yiu were trading from the premises.
In view of the fact that the former occupants, Mr Wai Ming Yau and Mrs Chak Wa Yiu had been successfully prosecuted under the London Local Authorities Act 1991 on the 26th March 2019 and were both found guilty of using 1 Gunthrope Street, London E1 as an establishment for special treatments without a special treatment licence, the Responsible Authority do not consider them to be fit and proper persons to hold such a licence.
Ms Natalie Thompson provided Members with a detailed account of the investigation her colleague Mr Lekan Olomo had undertaken. She said the team had conducted an investigation of the premises and had reason to believe the previous occupants were running the establishment. Evidence corroborating this, included the email from Mr Gary Bugby at Appendix LOL4 whereby he states another person is running the premises and the solicitors’ letter received via Mr Bobby Nagpal, the freeholder of 1 Gunthrope Street, at appendix LOL5 which states his client is trading “from the premises under the premises licence in situ.” This is a breach of Section 8c of the London Local Authorities Act 1991 (“the act”).
Further evidence was found of therapists being employed by Mr Gary Bugby without the knowledge or approval of the Council in breach of Regulation 8a and 8c made under Section 10(1) of the Act which prescribes standard conditions for Annual Treatment Licences. Ms Thompson referred Members to Appendix LOL6 and LOL7 which referred to the emails sent to Mr Bugby, who had failed to respond.
Ms Thompson stated the Licence Holder, Mr Gary Bugby had breached the conditions of the licence and asked Members of the Licensing Committee to revoke the Licence based on the evidence before them. .
Members of the Committee asked questions in relation to the application and in response the following was noted:
· The onus is on the Licence Holder to inform the Council of any change of therapists employed. Therapists must be approved by the Council and have the correct qualifications to carry out special treatments.
· In response to the query raised relating to how long Mr Bugby had been absent from the business, Ms Thompson clarified that he left in March 2019, as per the email at Appendix LOL4. It appeared Mr Bugby had no intention of coming back.
· With regards to the former occupants, the solicitors email at appendix LOL5 confirmed Mr Yau was trading from the premises under Mr Bugby’s licence.
Members adjourned the meeting at ... view the full minutes text for item 2.1 |
Additional documents:
Minutes: At the request of the Chair, Ms Natalie Thompson, Principal Environmental Health Officer informed Members the application before them was to consider a new Special Treatment Licence for Boonsara, 87 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX.
Ms Thompson said a copy of the application could be found at Appendix 1 and explained why a special treatment licence is required for the premises. Ms Thompson informed Members that objections had been received from members of the public at Appendices 4, 5 and 6. Ms Thompson explained that the Applicant had responded to the concerns of the objectors and had provided further evidence by way of a Business Reputation document at Appendix 7.
The Licensing Authority had also received a further representation from Mr Daron Pike, the objector at Appendix 4 which was in response to the Applicant’s reply. This was appended at Appendix 8. Furthermore a response was also received from the landlord of the premises (Mr Nagpal) in support of the application at Appendix 9.
At the request of the Chair, the applicant Mr Ramin King (also known has Ricky King) explained he was one of the Directors of Genesis New World London Limited, which was a family run business established over twenty years ago by his mother Mrs Chanita King. Mr King referred Members to the Business Reputation document at appendix 7 and said his mother had worked hard to establish the company and from the reviews, pages 52-58 of the agenda pack, it was evident they were a genuine company looking to expand into East London. Mr King said his company owned similar premises in South West London and had never received any complaints in relation to those businesses. Mr King said his mother had treated famous celebrities as well as royalty from the Middle East and had also been recognised for her work by the King of Thailand. Mr King said his company wanted to promote Thai culture which was known for its food, culture and massage. It wanted to provide a professional service to those who required a massage.
Mr King said he had responded fully to the concerns raised by the Objectors but took offence at the insinuation and comparison made about his family and his business venture, by the reference to a former business which operated from Nagpal House, 1 Gunthrope Street London E1 known as Relax Studio. The assumption being that his business would be a guise for a brothel. Mr King said he took great pride in his name, reputation and business.
Mr King requested Members hear from Mr Bobby Nagpal, the freeholder of 87 Whitechapel High Street and Nagpal House, 1 Gunthorpe Street to assist Membersby answering the concerns raised regarding the locality.
The Chair invited Mr Nagpal to address the Committee. Mr Nagpal provided Members with an aerial photograph showing the location of 87 Whitechapel High Street and its proximity to Nagpal House in Gunthorpe Street. Mr Nagpal said Nagpal House was built over what was the carpark of ... view the full minutes text for item 2.2 |