Committee details
Licensing Committee
Purpose of committee
The Licensing Committee will determine Licensing policy/procedure (excluding the Council’s Statement of Policy) as well as Licensing fees and charges.
The Committee will also establish a Licensing Sub-Committee to consider Licensing matters under the Licensing 2003 Act where representations have been made.
The Licensing Committee is made up of 15 Members of the Council.
The meetings are open to the public to attend. A timetable for meeting dates and deadlines can be found here.
Useful links - Council Constitution
- Terms of Reference for the Licensing Committee (Part 3.3.7 of the Council’s Constitution, Responsibility for Functions) pg 100.
- Licensing Code of Conduct (Part 5.3 of the Council’s Constitution, Codes and Protocols) pgs 258-264
- Licensing Services Webpages
The full terms of reference for the Committee is as follows:
1. To consider and determine applications for the grant or variation of the following:
- Premises Licenses, Personal Licences, Temporary Events Notices and Club Premises Certificates pursuant to the Licensing Act 2003 where relevant representations have been received;
- Special treatment licenses in respect of premises within the borough where objections have been received;
- Gaming permits, as defined by Schedule 9 (6) of the Gaming Act 1968, where objections have been received;
- Small lotteries registration, where objections have been received;
- Competitive bidding licenses, where objections have been received;
- Pools promotion registration, where objections have been received.
- Granting “hypnotism waivers” in accordance with Council policy.
- Any other application which the Corporate Director, Environment and Culture considers should be referred to the Committee for determination
2. To consider and determine applications for revocation and/or review of any licences which fall to be determined by the Committee in accordance with paragraph 1 a) to h) above.
3. To resolve not to issue a casino premises licence pursuant to section 166 Gambling Act 2005.
4. To determine fees and charges for the issue, approval, consent, license, permit or other registration for functions for which the Committee has responsibility.
5. To determine all aspects of licensing policy/procedure (excluding the determination of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy) and miscellaneous licensing matters, including the creation of Sub Committees for the purposes of the Licensing Act 2003.
6. To consider the Council’s statement of licensing policy.
The quorum is three Members of the Committee.
- Councillor Faroque Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Leelu Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Suluk Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Musthak Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Sabina Akhtar (Member)
- Councillor Peter Golds (Chair)
- Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain (Member)
- Councillor Asma Islam (Member)
- Councillor Ahmodul Kabir (Member)
- Councillor Ahmodur Khan (Member)
- Councillor Abdul Malik (Member)
- Councillor Ana Miah (Member)
- Councillor Rebaka Sultana (Member)
- Councillor Bellal Uddin (Member)
- 1 Vacancy (Member)
Contact information
Support officer: Simmi Yesmin, Democratic Services Officer. Tel: 020 7364 4120, E-mail: