Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, 1st Floor, Town Hall, Mulberry Place, 5 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG
Contact: Zoe Folley, Democratic Services Tel: 020 7364 4877, E-mail:
No. | Item | |
DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS PDF 64 KB To note any declarations of interest made by Members, including those restricting Members from voting on the questions detailed in Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act, 1992. See attached note from the Monitoring Officer.
Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made.
Councillor Shah Alam declared an interest in agenda items 6.1, Land Between St Pauls Way and Masjid Lane, including Linton House, Printon house and the Burdett Estate Community Centre, St Pauls Way, E3 (PA/14/02618) and 6.2 Burdett Community Square, Land off Masjid Lane, St Pauls Way, London E14 (PA/14/03243). This was on the basis that the application sites were in the Councillor’s ward.
Councillor Marc Francis declared an interest in agenda item 6.5, 598 Roman Road and land at rear of 596 Roman Road London, E3 2RW (PA/14/01567).This was on the basis that the application site was in the Councillor’s ward.
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(S) PDF 106 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Development Committee held on 11th February 2015.
Minutes: The Committee RESOLVED
That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 11th February 2015 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
In response to a questions about item 6.2 Silwex House, Quaker Street, London, E1 6NS (PA/14/01897), it was reported that Officers had met with the Applicant to discuss the design of the scheme and pending consideration of the design issues, it was anticipated that the application could be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee.
1) in the event of changes being made to recommendations by the Committee, the task of formalising the wording of those changes is delegated to the Corporate Director Development and Renewal along the broad lines indicated at the meeting; and
2) in the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Corporate Director Development and Renewal is delegated authority to do so, provided always that the Corporate Director does not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision.
Minutes: The Committee RESOLVED that:
1) In the event of changes being made to recommendations by the Committee, the task of formalising the wording of those changes is delegated to the Corporate Director, Development and Renewal along the broad lines indicated at the meeting; and
2) In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee’s decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Corporate Director, Development and Renewal is delegated authority to do so, provided always that the Corporate Director does not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee’s decision
PROCEDURE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS AND MEETING GUIDANCE PDF 94 KB To note the procedure for hearing objections at meetings of the Development Committee and meeting guidance.
Minutes: The Committee noted the procedure for hearing objections and meeting guidance. |
Land at rear of 81-147 Candy Street And Wendon Street, London, E3 (PA/14/00623) PDF 451 KB Proposal:
Demolition of existing garages and 2 bungalows and the construction of 45 residential dwellings (15 x 1 bed, 15 x 2 bed, 9 x 3 bed and 6 x 4 bed) with associated infrastructure provision.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to any direction by The London Mayor, the prior completion of a legal agreement, conditions and informatives.
Minutes: It was reported that the application had been withdrawn from the agenda for further discussions between the Council, the applicant and the London Legacy Development Corporation about the impact on Candy Street of their work to replace the bridge at Crown Close. It was explained that since agenda publication, the LLDC had provided further information about their work and it was important that this information was considered by the Applicant, Officers and the LLDC before it came back to the Committee.
Residential and community facilities including a mosque, nursery hall and community centre; associated parking, play/games areas and communal amenity space.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission, subject to a legal agreement and conditions and informatives detailed in the Committee report.
Minutes: Update Report Tabled.
Update Report Tabled.
Paul Buckenham (Development Manager, Development and Renewal) introduced the application and also application 6.2. Burdett Community Square, Land off Masjid Lane, St Pauls Way, London E14 (PA/14/03243). It was reported that items would be considered together given the relationship between the two applications. However there would be separate votes on the applications and that they should be considered on their own planning merits .
The Chair then invited registered speakers to address the Committee.
Juned Miah and Azad Miah spoke in objection to item 6.1. The speakers drew attention to the large number of objections to the application including a petition with over 500 signatures and over 200 pro forma letters. Their main issue was with Poplar Harca and the TH Mayor and the lack of engagement with the community over the scheme. Many letters had been sent to them requesting that they listen to the concerns. Yet to date, this they had not done so and the promised further meeting between the two sides had not been arranged. The application should be refused until the two sides had discussed the issue and found a solution given the strength of local feeling. Information about the impact of the scheme had been sent to Committee Members by the objectors.
The speakers also expressed concern about the impact of the development on the well-established local community. It would fundamentally change the character of the area due to its scale and location at the heart of the community. They also felt that the scheme would lead to overdevelopment of the area given the density of the area (including schools), the lack of community facilities, the loss of green space at the site and the impact on neighbouring amenity. They also expressed concern about the quality of the open space in terms of location and quality of the play equipment.
The speakers questioned the need for a further school at this site, in addition to the recently expanded Stebon Primary School, given the lack of educational facilities for other age groups. The speakers noted the need for education facilities in the Borough but felt that in view of the issues, another site should be found.
In response to questions from Councillors, the speakers explained their concerns about the lack of consultation in further detail. Residents had attended a meeting with the Applicant and the Mayor where it was agreed that a further meeting was to be arranged but this had not happened. The speakers also clarified the nature of their objections around overdevelopment and expressed concern about the noise impact from the school as many residents worked shift work. Mr Azad Miah stated that he was mainly concerned with the impact of the scale of the scheme on the community rather than the impact on the housing mix.
In relation to item 6.2, the speakers explained that their main concern was with Poplar Harca and their failure to consult residents on the plans and ... view the full minutes text for item 6.1 |
Burdett Community Square, Land off Masjid Lane, St Pauls Way, London E14 (PA/14/03243) PDF 218 KB Proposal:
Demolition of a block of seven domestic garages and the introduction of a new publicly accessible open space incorporating a landscaped garden area, revised car parking layout, additional tree planting and improved boundary treatment.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions and informatives.
Minutes: Update Report Tabled.
For details of the discussion, see above minute.
Officers proposed additional conditions to the application regarding the management of the open space which was agreed by the Committee.
On a unanimous vote, the Committee RESOLVED:
1. That planning permission be GRANTED at Burdett Community Square, Land off Masjid Lane, St Pauls Way, London E14 for the demolition of a block of seven domestic garages and the introduction of a new publicly accessible open space incorporating a landscaped garden area, revised car parking layout, additional tree planting and improved boundary treatment,
Subject to:
2. That the Corporate Director Development & Renewal is delegated power to impose conditions and informative on the planning permission to secure the matters set out in the Committee report and the update report and the following conditions:
· Landscaping Management and Maintenance Plan for the open space. · Completion of a legal agreement or unilateral undertaking to secure public access to the open space in perpetuity.
95 New Road, London, E1 1HH (PA/14/02772) PDF 527 KB Proposal:
Change of use of the basement to restaurant A3 use, retention of ground floor restaurant use and addition of a 3rd floor to create 3 x studio flats.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.
Minutes: Paul Buckenham (Development Manager, Development and Renewal) introduced the application and the update.
Shahara Ali-Hempstead, (Planning Officer) presented the detailed report explaining the site location, appearance of the scheme and the issues raised in consultation that were addressed in the committee report.
Whilst mindful of the steps to restrict A3 uses along New Road to prevent overconcentration of such uses, it was not felt that the proposal would add to the concentration of such uses as it only sought to extent the existing use. It was also considered that the loss of the retail unit was acceptable given the proximity of the site to a number of retail units. The scale, mass and appearance of the extension was acceptable and would be in keeping with the character and appearance of the conservation area. The proposal would retain and re-introduce orginal features and a traditional style shop front would be installed. There were measures to protect residential amenity and the impact on highways would be acceptable given the good PTLA rating for the site and lack of on street parking spaces on New Road. Whilst the proposed housing mix did not meet planning policy, the quality of the residential accommodation exceeded minimum standards and responded to the size constraints of the site.. Given the merits of the scheme, Officers were recommended that it was granted planning permission.
On a unanimous vote, the Committee RESOLVED:
1. That planning permission be GRANTED at 95 New Road, London, E1 1HH for change of use of the basement to restaurant A3 use, retention of ground floor restaurant use and addition of a 3rd floor to create 3 x studio flats
2. That the Corporate Director Development & Renewal is delegated power to impose conditions and informatives on the planning permission to secure the matters set out in the Committee report.
The Forge, 397 & 411 Westferry Road, London, E14 3AE (PA/14/02753 and PA/14/02754) PDF 4 MB Proposal:
Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for:
- Change of use of part of The Forge from business use (Use Class B1) to convenience retail food store (Use Class A1) with gross internal floor area of 394m² and net sales area (gross internal) of 277m²;
- Change of use of a separate unit of The Forge (Use Class B1) to interchangeable uses for either or financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments, office, non-residential institutions (nursery, clinic, art gallery, or museum), or assembly and leisure (gym), namely change of use to uses classes A2, A3, A4, B1a, D1 and D2 with gross internal floor area 275.71m²;
- The remainder of the ground floor would be for office use split into 3 units (Use Class B1a)
- 297.17m² GFA of new floor space created at 1st floor level (internally) for office use, split into 3 units (Use Class B1a)
- Internal and external changes and maintenance to the Forge to facilitate the change of use to retail convenience store.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission and listed building subject to the conditions and informatives in the Committee report
Minutes: Update Report Tabled.
Paul Buckenham (Development Manager, Development and Renewal) introduced the application and the update.
Mohan Chandegra, Tom Ridge and Councillors Andrew Wood and Andrew Cregan (ward Councillor) spoke in objection to the application. They objected to the harm to the Grade 11 listed warehouse and the Conservation Area from the proposed changes in view of its historic value as the last remaining iron ship building forge in London. In particularly, they expressed concerned at the internal divisions and the plans to install a new external door for the retail unit. It was questioned why this additional door was needed in view of the harm it would cause to the building? Consideration should be given to use of the existing entrance as an alternative. It was requested that the building should be leased as a single space in accordance with the 2007 planning permission granted for the building. History Boards should also be put up for the building.
They also objected to the impact on the Post Office as a result of the proposal. The scheme would undermine the viability of the facility by removing the subsidy derived from the adjacent shop, if this had to close due to a dilution in trade. Many local residents trusted and relied on the Post Office and it had been there for many years.
It was also felt that there was a lack of parking on Westferry Road for a retail store, especially for deliveries vehicles. The delivery vehicles would obstruct traffic along the highway, which would be very dangerous. If granted there should be conditions limiting the size of the delivery vehicles and that only one delivery vehicle should be allow to be there at any time. In response to this, Officers felt that a planning condition restricting use of the public highway could not be enforced.
In response to questions from Councillors, the speakers noted the support for a commercial unit at the site but on balance felt that the harm caused to the building would outweigh this along with the other concerns. They also explained in further detail their concerns about the internal divisions and the proposed new external access to cater for the requirements of the retail unit.
David Brown (Applicants Agent) spoke in support of the scheme, highlighting the results of the marketing exercise that supported the scheme. The Applicant had worked hard to address the concerns with the previously refused scheme. The report showed that the scale and appearance of the scheme was acceptable and it would improve the viability of the Town Centre. The Council’s Conservation Officer, Transport for London and Highways had no concerns about the impact on the scheme. The scheme would bring the longstanding vacant building back into use, whilst protecting the special features of the listed building. In view of the merits, it was recommended that the scheme should be granted planning permission.
Brett McAllister, (Planning Officer, Development and Renewal) presented the detailed report explaining the planning history for the ... view the full minutes text for item 6.4 |
598 Roman Road and land at rear of 596 Roman Road London, E3 2RW (PA/14/01567) PDF 691 KB Proposal:
Change of use of part of rear ground floor retail area and conversion to refuse storage area and creation of new entrance doorway to upper floor flats plus erection ground and 2nd floor rear extension associated with the creation of 2 x 2 bed flat at first and second floors
Formation of new residential access point from Hewison Street and provision of associated cycle parking and refuse disposal arrangement at rear of No.'s 596-598 Roman Road.
Replacement roof slates on the front elevation of 598 Roman Road.
That the Committee resolve to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives in the Committee report
Minutes: Councillor Shiria Khatun left the meeting before the consideration of this item.
Update Report Tabled.
Paul Buckenham (Development Manager, Development and Renewal) introduced the application and the update.
Jane Jin, (Planning Officer, Development and Renewal) presented the detailed report explaining the site and surrounds, the existing use of the site, the outcome of the consultation as detailed in the committee report. She also explained the key changes to the application, the appearance and layout of the scheme, the housing mix, the measures to protect privacy and the impact on the highway given the car free agreement. In view of the merits of the scheme, Officers were recommending that the application was granted planning permission.
In response, the Committee praised Officers for taking on the views of the Roman Road Town Centre Partnership and for negotiating the improvements to the scheme
On a unanimous vote, the Committee RESOLVED:
That Planning Permission be GRANTED at 598 Roman Road and land at rear of 596 Roman Road London, E3 2RW for:
· Change of use of part of rear ground floor retail area and conversion to refuse storage area, creation of new entrance doorway to upper floor flats, erection of ground and 2nd floor rear extension associated with the creation of 2 x 2 bed flat at first and second floors;
· Formation of new residential access point from Hewison Street and provision of associated cycle parking and refuse disposal arrangement at rear of No.'s 596-598 Roman Road
· Replacement roof slates on the front elevation of 598 Roman Road.
Subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Committee report:
Councillor Suluk Ahmed did not vote on this item having not been present throughout the consideration of the item.
St Pauls Primary School, Wellclose Square, London E1 8HY (PA/14/01181) PDF 432 KB Proposal:
Additional documents: Minutes: Application withdrawn from the agenda.
This was because the school was owned by the London Diocesan Board for Schools not LBTH. Therefore, the application could be dealt with under delegated powers. |