Committee details
Development Committee
Purpose of committee
View the webcast of meetings here:
The role of the Development Committee is to determine applications for planning/listed/conservation area consent which have triggered over 20 representations (in support or against) and/or that meet certain criteria with regards to size amongst other issues.
The Committee is made up of seven Members of the Council as appointed by Full Council. Political balance rules apply to the Committee. Meetings are normally held on a monthly basis in the Town Hall, Mulberry Place and are open to the public to attend.
A timetable for the meeting dates and deadlines can be found here. This schedule of meetings is arranged at the start of the municipal year to best meet planning timetables. However, where there is no business to consider, specific meetings may be cancelled and if so, this will be reflected on the page above.
The quorum is three Members of the Committee.
Objectors to planning applications and applicants may request to speak at the Committee. If you wish to speak on an application, you must contact the Committee Officer below by 4pm one clear day before the meeting, as shown on the committee timetable. For further information, see the guidance for the Committee in the ways of participating page.
Useful links:
- The Development Committee Procedural Rules
- Council Constitution
- Terms of Reference for the Development Committee ( Responsibility for Functions, Council Constitution)
- Ways of participating page.
- Planning Services Webpages
1. Applications for planning permission
A. To consider and determine recommendations from the Corporate Director, Development and Renewal to GRANT planning permission for applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended);that meet any one of the following criteria:
(i) Proposals involving the erection, alteration or change of use of buildings, structures or land with more than 35 residential units or live-work units.
(ii) Proposals involving the erection, alteration or change of use of buildings, structures or land with a gross floor space exceeding 10,000 square metres.
(iii)Retail development with a gross floor space exceeding 5,000 square metres.
(iv)Proposals involving buildings on Metropolitan Open Land with a gross floor space exceeding 100 square metres.
(v) If in response to the publicity of an application the Council receives in writing, by email or other electronic form 20 or more individual representations; or a petition (received from residents of the borough whose names appear in the Register of Electors, business addresses in the borough or local Councillors) raising material planning objections to the development, and the Corporate Director, Place considers that these objections cannot be addressed by amending the development, by imposing conditions and/or by completing a legal agreement. Representations (either individual or petitions) received after the close of the consultation period will be counted at the discretion of the Corporate Director, Place.
B. To consider and determine recommendations from the Corporate Director, Place to REFUSE planning permission for applications made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), where in response to the publicity of an application the Council has received in writing, by email or other electronic form, more 20 or more individual representations supporting the development or a petition in the form detailed in part 1.A. (v) supporting the proposed development. Representations (either individual or petitions) received after the close of the consultation period will be counted at the discretion of the Corporate Director, Place.
C. To consider and determine recommendations from the Corporate Director of Place to GRANT permission for applications seeking minor material amendments to a planning permission previously determined by the Development Committee, where as a result of publicity any of the criteria in 1.A.(v) apply and the representations received relate directly to matters arising from the proposed amendments and not the original permission.
The Corporate Director, Place (or any officer authorised by her/him) has the authority to make decisions on planning matters with the exception of those specifically reserved to the Development Committee, unless:-
(i) these are expressly delegated to her/him; or
(ii) where it is referred to the Committee in accordance with Development Procedure Rule No 15
2. Applications for listed building consent
To consider and determine recommendations from the Corporate Director, Place to GRANT listed building consent for applications made under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 where any of the criteria in 1.A.(i)-(v) apply; and/or an objection has been received from either the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (known as Historic England) and/or one of the statutory amenity societies and these objections cannot be addressed by amending the development, by imposing conditions and/or by completing a legal agreement.
3. Applications for hazardous substance consent
To consider and determine recommendations from the Corporate Director, Place to GRANT hazardous substance consent for applications made under the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015 where the criteria in 1.A(v) apply and/or an objection has been received from any of the consultation bodies listed in the Regulations and these objections cannot be addressed by amending the development, by imposing conditions and/or by completing a legal agreement
4. Observations to other planning authorities
To respond to requests for observations on planning applications referred to the Council by other local authorities, Development Corporations the Mayor of London, Government Departments statutory undertakers and similar organisations where the response would be contrary to policies in the adopted development plan or would raise especially significant borough-wide issues.
5. General
A. To consider any application or other planning matter referred to the Committee by the Corporate Director, Place including pre-application presentations (subject to the agreed protocol) where she/he considers it appropriate to do so (for example, if especially significant borough-wide issues are raised).
B. To consider any matter which would otherwise be referred to the Strategic Development Committee but which the Corporate Director, Place, following consultation with the Chairs of both Committees, considers should more appropriately be considered by the Development Committee.
Note - It shall be for the Corporate Director, Place to determine whether a matter meets any of the above criteria
Quorum: Three Members of the Committee.
- Councillor Iqbal Hossain (Chair)
- Councillor Amin Rahman (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Gulam Kibria Choudhury (Member)
- Councillor Bellal Uddin (Member)
- Councillor Faroque Ahmed (Member)
- Councillor Mufeedah Bustin (Member)
- Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury (Member)
- Councillor Shafi Ahmed (Substitute)
- Councillor Bodrul Choudhury (Substitute)
- Councillor Ahmodur Khan (Substitute)
- Councillor Marc Francis (Substitute)
- Councillor James King (Substitute)
Contact information
Support officer: Thomas French, Democratic Services. Tel: 020 7364 3048
Postal address:
Town Hall
160 Whitechapel Road
E1 1BJ
Phone: Tel: 020 7364 3048
Web site: