Outside body
London CIV
London Councils is the collective voice for London local government. It seeks to be an influential advocate for the interests of boroughs, promoting both councils’ leadership of their places and of a broad range of public services on behalf of their localities. London Councils fights for the resources, powers and freedoms that boroughs need to play that role.
Changes to the governance arrangements of the CIV were reported to the Council’s Pensions Committee in September 2018. The new arrangements allow for LBTH representatives to attend the Annual General Meeting, every 6 months http://democracy-internal.towerhamlets.gov.uk/documents/s134080/London%20Collective%20Investment%20Vehicle%20CIV%20Update.pdf
Contact information
Kristina Ingate, Chief of Staff
Our representatives
- Councillor Saied Ahmed (Substitute)
- Councillor Bellal Uddin (Member)