Declarations of interest
Meeting: Wednesday, 27th September, 2023 7.00 p.m. - Council
- Councillor Musthak Ahmed - Non - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest - Councillor Mushtak Ahmed and Councillor Amin Rahman declared a non-pecuniary – other registerable interest in Agenda Item 8 (Opposition Motion for Debate) and declared they had been appointed Board Members of Tower Hamlets Community Housing by the Council.
Meeting: Wednesday, 15th November, 2023 7.00 p.m. - Council
- Councillor Musthak Ahmed - Other Interests - Councillor Mushtak Ahmed declared that as the Council’s appointed representative on the East End Citizens Advice Bureau he had a non-disclosable other interest in relation to the advice sector but not in relation to the body referenced in the motion.
Meeting: Wednesday, 24th January, 2024 7.00 p.m. - Council
- Councillor Musthak Ahmed - Other Interests - Councillor Musthak Ahmed declared an Non-Registerable Other Interest in Agenda Item 5.1 Petition on Saving THCAN as he was a Council appointee to the East End Citizen Advice Bureau who had links with THCAN. He remained in the meeting for discussion on that item.