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> Declarations of interest at Freedom of the Borough, 4 November 2023 - 14 November 2024
Declarations of interest
Date range:
Select a committee
Accessible Transport Consultative Forum
Appeals Committee
Appointments Sub Committee
Audit Committee
Best Value Programme Review Board Quarterly Meetin
Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic Inequalities Commis
Brexit Commission
Cabinet - Expired
Children and Education Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Commissioners' Decision Making Meeting
Commissioners' Individual Decision Making
Creating and Sharing Prosperity Scrutiny Panel
Development Committee
Document Library
Employee Appeals Sub Committee
Excellent Public Services Scrutiny Panel
Fostering Panel
Freedom of the Borough
General Purposes Committee
Grants Appeals Panel
Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee
Grants Panel
Grants Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Health & Adults Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Housing & Regeneration Scrutiny Sub Committee
housing and planning programme meeting
Housing Policy and Affordability Commission
Human Resources Committee
Human Resources Committee (expired 2016)
Inner North East London Joint Health Overview & Sc
Investigation and Disciplinary Sub-Committee
Joint Committee of the London 2012 Olympic and Par
Joint Committee of the Six Growth Boroughs
Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee Review 'Health
Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee 'Acute Strok
King George's Field Charity Board
Learning Achievement and Leisure Scrutiny Panel
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee
Living Safely Scrutiny Panel
Living Safely Scrutiny Panel - Anti-Social Behavio
Living Well Scrutiny Panel
Mayor's Executive Decision Making
Olympics Development Committee
Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Pension Board
Pensions and Accounts Committee
Pensions Committee
Public Transport Consultative Forum
Public Transport Forum
Refugee Forum
Schools Forum
Standards Advisory Committee
Standards Committee
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (
Strategic Development Committee
TEST Officer Decision committee
Tower Hamlets Best Value Improvement Board
Tower Hamlets Health and Wellbeing Board
Tower Hamlets Self-Build Forum
Tower Hamlets Transformation and Improvement Board
Transformation Advisory Board
Womens Commission
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Non - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Other Interests
Ahmed, Councillor Faroque Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Kabir Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Leelu Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Musthak Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Ohid Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Saied Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Shafi Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Suluk Ahmed
Akhtar, Councillor Sabina Akhtar
Ali, Councillor Amina Ali
Begum, Councillor Asma Begum
Begum, Councillor Maisha Begum
Bienfait, Councillor Nathalie Bienfait
Blake, Councillor Rachel Blake
Bustin, Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
Choudhury, Councillor Bodrul Choudhury
Choudhury, Councillor Gulam Kibria Choudhury
Choudhury, Councillor Jahed Choudhury
Chowdhury, Councillor Abu Chowdhury
Chowdhury, Councillor Mohammad Chowdhury
Francis, Councillor Marc Francis
Golds, Councillor Peter Golds
Hossain, Councillor Iqbal Hossain
Hussain, Councillor Kabir Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Kamrul Hussain
Hussain, Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain
Islam, Councillor Asma Islam
Islam, Councillor Sirajul Islam
Kabir, Councillor Ahmodul Kabir
Khaled, Councillor Saif Uddin Khaled
Khan, Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Khan, Councillor Sabina Khan
King, Councillor James King
Lee, Councillor Amy Lee
Malik, Councillor Abdul Malik
Mannan, Councillor Abdul Mannan
Miah, Councillor Ana Miah
Miah, Councillor Ayas Miah
Miah, Councillor Harun Miah
Mohamed, Councillor Abdi Mohamed
Rahman, Councillor Amin Rahman
Rahman, Mayor Lutfur Rahman
Sultana, Councillor Rebaka Sultana
Talukdar, Councillor Maium Talukdar
Uddin, Councillor Bellal Uddin
Ullah, Councillor Abdal Ullah
Wahid, Councillor Abdul Wahid
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period
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