Issue details
Innovation Fund update
To update the Grants Determination (Cabinet)
Sub-committee of applications received and pledges made with
regards to the Council’s Innovation Fund, which is being used
as match-funding for voluntary and community organisations
crowdfunding through Spacehive.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/10/2019
Open/Exempt: Open;
Decision due: 6 Nov 19 by Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources and the Voluntary Sector
Lead director: Corporate Director, Governance and Monitoring Officer
Department: Governance
Contact: Sharon Godman, (Director, Strategy, Improvement and Transformation) Asmat Hussain Email:, Afazul Hoque, (Head of Corporate Strategy & Policy) Email:, Robert Mee, (Programme Analysis & Review Officer,Corporate Strategy & Policy, Communities Team,Governance) Email:
Consultation process
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: No
Agenda items
- 06/11/2019 - Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee Innovation Fund update 06/11/2019
- Innovation Fund update