Issue details
Malting and Brewster House Structural Strengthening Works
This report recommends
allocating resources and awarding a contract to undertake works
needed to address the structural integrity at Brewster House and
Malting House, two Large Panel System blocks.
The Government advised further checks of the structural integrity
of these buildings in 2018. As a result, consulting structural
engineers Wilde Carter Clack conducted a comprehensive structural
investigation and concluded that the blocks required intrusive
structural strengthening. Therefore, the Mayor is recommended
1. Agree to the allocation of capital resources to fund the works
and the services associated with delivering the works.
2. Agree to the award of the works contract via the Council’s
Better Neighbourhoods Framework.
3. Agree to formally consult leaseholders and to recharge them for
their portion of the cost of the works.
4. Agree options for recharging leaseholders for the cost of any
temporary rehousing of dwelling occupants, their furniture and
belongings, and for the reinstatement of the same upon the
completion of the works.
5. Agree to officers exploring the possible voluntary buy back of
leasehold properties in the two blocks.
6. Agree to the introduction of two additional borough wide payment
options for leaseholders.
This matter was considered by the Mayor in Cabinet on 26 June 2019, where some aspects of the decision were deferred as explained in the decision notice
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or Savings of over £1 Million;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Limehouse;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/05/2019
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt (Part of the report will be exempt) - View reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
One or more of the appendices to the report may be exempt as they are expected to contain sensitive commercial/financial information
Department: Place
Consultation process
There will be further consultation meetings
held and for leaseholders the statutory S20 consultation process
will be undertaken.
One-to-one meetings
Residents have been kept informed via; monthly
newsletters and issue of FAQs, weekly TRA drop in meetings, a
public drop in event and access to the on-site Project Team
Cabinet Lead member
Corporate Finance
Legal Services
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: No. THH have carried out Residents Impact Assessments to identify vulnerable residents and will plan packages of support around their needs when the works are being carried out.
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: Available
Agenda items
- 26/06/2019 - Cabinet Urgent Structural Works-Brewster House and Malting House 26/06/2019
- Urgent Structural Works-Brewster House and Malting House