Issue details
Revenue and Capital Budget Outturn 2018/19
This report details the 2018-19 outturn
position against the approved budget for the Revenue and Capital
Spend for the financial year end 2018-19.
The report may also seek approval for any new capital projects that
need to be progressed during 2018-19.
It also includes information on the councils progress against its
saving targets and a number of general financial health
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2019
Decision due: 22 May 19 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources and the Voluntary Sector
Lead director: Corporate Director, Resources
Department: Resources
Contact: Kevin Miles, (Chief Accountant, Resources) Email:, Brian Snary, Financial Accountant - Resources Email:
Consultation process
As part of regular monitoring monthly
Directorates have provided projections for
their outturn positions and explanations of significant variances
and progress on achieving savings.
Their capital teams have reviewed the capital programme and
adjusted it to reflect new projects as well as developments, and
slippage in existing ones.
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: N/A
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: N/A
- 24/05/2019 - Revenue and Capital Budget Outturn 2018/19
Agenda items
- 20/05/2019 - Overview & Scrutiny Committee Revenue and Capital Budget Outturn 2018/19 20/05/2019
- 22/05/2019 - Cabinet Revenue and Capital Budget Outturn 2018/19 22/05/2019
- Revenue and Capital Budget Outturn 2018/19