Issue details
Equity Protection Strategy Investment/Manager Search
This report provides an update on the
procurement activity in relation to the Equity Protection
Investment. Following the March 2018 Pensions Committee meeting
whereby the Committee agreed to progress with the implementation of
an equity protection strategy by delegating this task to the
Corporate Director, Resources; subject to officers working with
Fund consultants and advisers to identify and implement a suitable
investment option strategy for the Fund.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt (the whole report will be exempt) - View reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
commercial sensitive
Decision due: 24 Jul 18 by Pensions Committee
Lead director: Corporate Director, Resources
Department: Resources
Contact: Bola Tobun, (Investments and Treasury Manager, Resources) Email:
Agenda items
- 24/07/2018 - Pensions Committee Equity Protection Strategy Investment/Manager Search 24/07/2018
- 28/11/2019 - Pensions Committee Equity Protection - Presentation and Training 28/11/2019
- Equity Protection Strategy Investment/Manager Search