Issue details
Treasury Management Strategy Statement For 2018-19
3) This report also deals with the setting of
Prudential Indicators for 2018-19, which ensure that the
Council’s capital investment decisions remain affordable,
sustainable and prudent; the proposed indicators are detailed in
Appendix 1. Under of the government’s self-financing
arrangements for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) there are
specific indicators relating to HRA capital investment.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 23 Jan 18 by Audit Committee
Lead director: Corporate Director, Resources
Department: Resources
Contact: Bola Tobun, (Investments and Treasury Manager, Resources) Email:
Agenda items
- 23/01/2018 - Audit Committee Treasury Management Strategy Statement For 2018-19 23/01/2018
- Treasury Management Strategy Statement For 2018-19