Issue details
Disposal of Land at Middlesex Street, London EC3
This report seeks the approval to declare some council-owned land at Middlesex Street, London, EC3 as surplus to the council’s requirements and seeks authority to dispose of the site to a special purchaser.
Delegation will be sought to complete the appropriate documentation and execute the necessary agreements for this purpose.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in process)
Wards affected: Spitalfields & Banglatown;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/10/2016
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt (the whole report will be exempt) - View reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The report may need to be exempt due to the financial information contained within.
Decision due: Not before 10th Nov 16 by Mayor's Executive Decision Making
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Resources and the Voluntary Sector
Lead director: Corporate Director, Development & Renewal
Department: Development and Renewal
Contact: Richard Chilcott, (Acting Divisional Director, Property and Major Programmes) Email:, Alan McCarthy, (Interim Head of Asset Management) Email:
Consultation process
Some internal discussions have taken place with colleagues in other parts of the council.
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: No
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: None
Agenda items
- 15/11/2016 - Commissioners' Individual Decision Making Middlesex Street 15/11/2016
- 15/11/2016 - Mayor's Executive Decision Making Middlesex Street 15/11/2016