Issue details
Interim Depot Arrangements to facilitate the release of Watts Grove Depot
The Mayor is recommended to consider the following:
1. Agree to proceed with the implementation of the depot relocation project; and
2. Authorise the Corporate Director of Communities Localities and Culture and the Corporate Director of Development and Renewal, after consultation with the Service Head – Legal Services, to enter into all relevant agreements necessary to bring about the changes outlined in this report.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: £1 Million expenditure/savings and also an impact on 2 or more wards.;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Blackwall & Cubitt Town; Bromley South; Lansbury; Limehouse; St Dunstan's;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2015
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
The original decision to proceed with relocation of depot functions to Leven Road is no longer viable. The proposed alternative proposals are considered to be more cost effective that the original decision. The relocation of these services away from Watts Grove Depot would enable the Watts Grove Depot Site to be redeveloped to provide 149 council homes.
No alternative options have been identified that would ensure the decant of waste operations from Watts Grove within the required cost and time parameters necessary to facilitate the sites redevelopment for housing. Staying on Watts Grove would result in the loss of GLA funding and the foregoing of affordable housing on that site.
The timescale for the completion of the project is challenging, as services need to be moved from Watts Grove by the 9th March 2015 to enable the developer to gain access to the site, and satisfy the funding arrangements for the GLA.
Open/Exempt: Open;
Decision due: Not before 20th Feb 15 by Mayor's Executive Decision Making
Lead member: Mayor
Lead director: Corporate Director, Communities, Localities & Culture and Head of Paid Service
Department: Communities Localities and Culture
Contact: Jamie Blake, (Service Head of Public Realm, Communities Localities and Culture) Email:
Consultation process
Not applicable.
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: No
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: Executive Decision Report
Agenda items
- 26/02/2015 - Mayor's Executive Decision Making Interim Depot Arrangements to facilitate the release of Watts Grove Depot 26/02/2015