Issue details
Contractor for the Delivery of 2012/13 Decent Homes Programme
Approve the use of Construction Line for the procurement of the Contractor for the Decent Homes Programme in 2012/13.
Approve the award of the 2012/13 Decent Homes Contract work circa £4m to Apollo.
Delegate to the Corporate Director in consultation with Assistant Chief Executive (Legal Services) to enter into all necessary documents to implement the decisions made in respect of this report.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 7 Nov 12 by Mayor's Executive Decision Making
Department: Development and Renewal
Consultation process
Capital Programme Board (LBTH an THH) via Reports and meetings
Decent Homes Project Board (Chaired by the D&R Corporate Director – via Reports and meetings
Consultation with the Mayor – via reports and meetings
Consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing – via reports, briefings and meetings.
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: 8th June Cabinet Asset Management Paper Capital Programme Board (LBTH and THH) LBTH Major Project Board Reports HCA Decent Homes Backlog Funding Procurement: Evaluation and Validation Reports
Agenda items
- 08/11/2012 - Mayor's Executive Decision Making Contractor for the Delivery of 2012/13 Decent Homes Programme 08/11/2012