Issue details
Improving the Homelessness Service
The complexity and significance of the national housing crises alongside the London wide additional pressures associated with the characteristics of the capital’s housing landscape have an amplified impact on Tower Hamlets due to the unique demographics of the Borough.
The Council’s Housing Options Service is facing unprecedented levels of increasing demand and levels of complexity in homelessness cases. This is the underlying driver constraining the services’ ability to discharge our statutory duties effectively. Housing is a primary corporate priority for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The Council’s commitment to ensuring accessible high-quality customer centric public services drives our ambition to exceed, rather than simply meet the minimum levels of statutory housing duties.
The exponential increase in volumes of homelessness cases in Q4 to the last financial year drives an immediate call to action. Over the years, there has been reconfiguring of resources, which has seen resources moved from the front end of the service into management positions. This – alongside the growing demand on the service – has had a negative impact on the service’s ability to adapt to these demands and deliver. We do not have the luxury of waiting for longer term transformation to materialise - we need to act now, or we will not resource the bigger changes effectively.
The cost to all local authorities of meeting their obligations to those experiencing homelessness has increased exponentially recently. Higher levels of investment have been made by Tower Hamlets. However, the additional investment made has been driven by substantial increases in 3rd party costs of temporary accommodation for a higher number of people. The consequent burden and pressures faced by internal staff teams to support the substantial increase in demand now needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
Although there has been heavy investment, the lack of a suitable structuring of the service fit to deal with the changing external service landscape and demands – coupled with the omission of a comprehensive service review, redesign and new delivery plan – has compounded these issues.
This paper seeks significant additional investment to the resources available to the service, to address its fundamental structural issues driven by lack of a cogent and adapted service design and delivery plan and missing front-line resources that have been offset by an increase in management positions. This has led to a drop in service-satisfaction for residents and inability to meet exponentially increasing demand. The investment will help to strengthen and support the invaluable work being undertaken by our skilled and professional staff teams in our current operations, and to complete a full service review and redesign underpinned by a robust delivery plan.
This report sets out a recommendation to immediately invest in additional resources for frontline services to:
· Develop capacity on the frontline to provide an empathetic and dignified response to every service user seeking support.
· Address the pressures within the service caused by increasing demands including high caseloads and backlogs.
· Alleviate pressures on the workforce and build capacity for staff to access additional support and development.
· Implement expanded face to face service hours to provide those in need with wider access to the service including later opening hours on weekdays and on a Saturday morning.
· Secure improvements to the council’s telephony services providing benefits to the wider organisations.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure or Savings of over £1 Million;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Reason for urgency:
The cost to all local authorities of meeting their obligations to those experiencing homelessness has increased exponentially recently. Higher levels of investment have been made by Tower Hamlets. However, the additional investment made has been driven by substantial increases in 3rd party costs of temporary accommodation for a higher number of people. The consequent burden and pressures faced by internal staff teams to support the substantial increase in demand now needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.
Although there has been heavy investment, the lack of a suitable structuring of the service fit to deal with the changing external service landscape and demands – coupled with the omission of a comprehensive service review, redesign and new delivery plan – has compounded these issues.
Open/Exempt: Open;
Decision due: 16 May 24 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding
Lead director: Corporate Director, Resources
Department: Resources
Contact: Nicola Klinger, (Housing Companies Manager) Email:
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: Investing additional resources in the frontline will have a positive impact on vulnerable residents or groups who may be experience inequalities in housing by increasing the capacity and ability of services to provide a tailored and empathetic service to residents. Increasing capacity and alleviating pressure on individuals and the service will support staff health and wellbeing and contribute all round to the improvements being sought within the Service Improvement Programme.
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: N/A
- 20/05/2024 - Improving the Homelessness Service
Agenda items
- 16/05/2024 - Cabinet Improving the Homelessness Service 16/05/2024