Issue details
Youth Investment Report
Redesign of Tower Hamlets Youth Service, in a
phased approach.
The paper is seeking approval for phase 1 staffing and buildings
model and associated costs and to approve phase 2 project support
to deliver the large-scale transformation.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/01/2023
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
In order to be able to meet the ambitious timetable for the expansion of the youth service we need to be able to go out to recruitment of posts and take forward building works asap
Decision due: Not before 11th Jan 23 by Mayor
Lead member: Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning (Statutory Deputy Mayor)
Lead director: Corporate Director, Children and Culture
Department: Children and Culture
Contact: Susannah Beasley-Murray, (Divisional Director of Supporting Families) Email:
Consultation process
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: NA
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: NA
- Youth Investment Report