Issue details
King George’s Field Trust Update & Approvals
1. Approve the audited accounts and annual report for 2020/21 for submission to the Charity Commission
2. Review of the hire charges for the Arts and Ecology Pavilions at Mile End Park
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/05/2022
Decision due: 29 Jun 22 by King George's Field Charity Board
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Culture, Arts and Brexit
Lead director: Corporate Director, Children and Culture
Department: Children and Culture
Contact: Catherine Boyd, (Head of Arts, Parks and Events) Email: Email:
Consultation process
Not applicable
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: Not applicable
What supporting documents or other information will be available?: Not applicable