Issue details
Localism Act 2011 – Pay Policy Statement 2022/23
Under Section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011,
the Full Council is required to adopt a pay policy statement for
each financial year.
This report sets out a statement for 2022/23, which should be
approved and adopted by 31 March 2022, to enable it to be published
as soon as is practical in the new financial year. Due to the
timings of the report and committees, this year the report will be
considered and agreed by GP Committee by 31 March 2022 but will not
be considered by Full Council until 25 May 2022. It will be
published as soon as possible after this.
The pay policy statement sets out the council’s current
policies and practice in relation to pay for all parts of the
Council’s directly employed workforce (including some
elements that cover agency workers), with the exception of school
based employees.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Decision due: 25 May 22 by Council
Lead director: Corporate Director, Resources
Department: Resources
Agenda items
- 25/05/2022 - Council LOCALISM ACT 2011 - PAY POLICY STATEMENT 2022/23 25/05/2022
- Localism Act 2011 – Pay Policy Statement 2022/23