Issue details
Liveable Streets Bethnal Green – Jesus Hospital Estate update
As part of the cabinet decision for the
Bethnal Green Liveable Streets Scheme in January 2020 it was agreed
to approve the final; scheme design for the Bethnal Green area as
part of the Liveable Streets programme but following representation
received to explore further the technical details around the design
without fundamentally re-visiting the proposals. This includes the
further consultation on the Jesus Hospital Estate.
This report provides an update on the engagement results which ran
from Monday 13 July 2020 and ran until Sunday 9 August 2020
This item seeks a decision on the next stages of the Jesus Hospital
Estate area which is part of the Liveable Streets project in
Bethnal Green.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Weavers;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/04/2021
Open/Exempt: Open;
Decision due: Not before 16th Apr 21 by Mayor's Executive Decision Making
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning
Lead director: Corporate Director, Place
Department: Place
Contact: Dan Jones, (Director, Public Realm) Email:
Consultation process
Engagement ran from Monday 13 July 2020 until
Sunday 9 August 2020. Packs which included proposal document,
survey and freepost envelope, were distributed to properties within
the agreed area. The deadline for survey responses was extended to
Sunday 9 August, as misinformation was shared, and the council
wanted to ensure inclusivity.
Key partners
Other Directorates
Has an Equality Analysis been carried out and if so the result of this Assessment?: Yes, the EqIA has been updated based on the results of the consultation and recommendations. The EqIA will be updated as detailed design progresses.
Agenda items
- 16/04/2021 - Mayor's Executive Decision Making Liveable Streets Bethnal Green – Jesus Hospital Estate update 16/04/2021
- Liveable Streets Bethnal Green – Jesus Hospital Estate update