Issue details
Update in relation to Prosecutions and Appeals – Quarters 3-4 2019/2020; Quarters 1-2 2020-2021
This report provides details of completed
licensing related prosecutions and appeals for Quarter 3-4
2019/2020 (October to December 2019 and January to March 2020) and
Quarters 1-2 2020/2021 (April to June 2020 and July to September
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 17 Dec 20 by Licensing Committee
Lead director: Corporate Director, Governance and Monitoring Officer
Department: Governance
Contact: Agnes Adrien, (Head of Litigation, Legal Services) Email:
Agenda items
- 17/12/2020 - Licensing Committee Update in relation to Prosecutions and Appeals – Quarters 3-4 2019/2020; Quarters 1-2 2020-2021 17/12/2020
- Update in relation to Prosecutions and Appeals – Quarters 3-4 2019/2020; Quarters 1-2 2020-2021