Issue history
Mental Health User Led Grants Programme - review of allocations for 2017-2018
- 29/05/2017 - Published in plan, Forthcoming Decision Plan - 29/05/2017
- 26/06/2017 - Published in plan, Forthcoming Decision Plan - 26/06/2017
- 03/07/2017 - Agenda item, Grants Scrutiny Sub-Committee Mental Health User Led Grants Programme - review of allocations for 2017-2018 03/07/2017
- 03/07/2017 - Agenda item scheduled, Grants Scrutiny Sub-Committee
- 10/07/2017 - Agenda item, Grants Determination (Cabinet) Sub-Committee Mental Health User Led Grants Programme - review of allocations for 2017-2018 10/07/2017