Executive post
Cabinet Member for Safer Communities
The Cabinet Member for Cabinet Member for Safer Communities has oversight for the following services and activities that fall within the Mayor and Cabinet Member Portfolios – Decision Making powers are as set out in the Executive Scheme of Delegation in the Constitution
These can be changed at any time by the Mayor
(by informing the Monitoring Officer/Head of Democratic Services)
Note – Some of these areas may have Non-Executive functions. Where that is the case the Cabinet Member has no role in those decisions/functions.
- Youth Offending and Youth Justice
- Community Safety
- THEOs and enforcement
- Crime prevention
- Anti-social behaviour
- Drugs and alcohol crime and prevention
- Community cohesion
- Tackling radicalisation/prevent
- Champion for victims of crime
- Community safety partnership
- Highways and public realm improvements
- Transport strategy
- Parking strategy and enforcement.