Issue - decisions
Aldgate Business Improvement District
27/09/2019 - Aldgate Business Improvement District
1. To approve the Aldgate BID proposal to go to ballot in January 2020.
2. To agree to support the formation of the Aldgate BID, subject to a successful ballot, in accordance with the BID Regulations.
3. To agree that the City Of London manage the ballot process for the Aldgate BID area for both Tower Hamlets and CofL.
4. To agree that Legal Services are authorised to prepare the legal agreement required for the operation of the BID ballot.
5. To agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director Place following consultation with the S.151 Officer to negotiate and settle agreements in relation to funding for the BID process and, subject to a successful ballot, the creation of the BID.
6. To agree that the Council’s cost of supporting the ballot process and the implementing the BID will be recovered over a period of time from the BID levy.
Action by:
(High Streets and Town Centre Manager (F. Crehan)
(Brick Lane Town Centre Manager (R. Jenman)