Issue - decisions
The Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Partnership (THSCP) - an Overview and Update on the new Safeguarding Children arrangements
26/04/2019 - The Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Partnership (THSCP) - an Overview and Update on the new Safeguarding Children arrangements
1. To note the progress to date in the development of the Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Children Partnership and Child Death Review (CDR) systems outlined in (paragraphs 3.1 to 3.14 of the report and appendices A, B and C to the report).
2. To approve the authority of the Corporate Director Children and Culture to act on behalf of LBTH at the THSCP (paragraph 3.4 of the report).
3. To approve the move to the shared CDR function in North East London (paragraph 3.13 of the report).
4. To note the indicative budget outlined in paragraph 3.7 and works underway to scope the full costs of the THSCP (paragraph 3.1 of the report).
5. To note the works underway to scope the full costs and contribution to North East London CDR systems (paragraph 3.8 of the report).
Action by:
(Project Manager (D. Devitt)