Issue - decisions
13/10/2020 - Ageing Well Small Grants fund 2019/20
Keith Burns (Programme Director Special Projects, Commissioning & Health) presented the report seeking agreement of the process for awarding grant funding to small groups to enable them to deliver social activities for older people. The report also included an annual report for projects funding by the programme for 2017/18. He also referred to the Cabinet agreement to include this grant funding in the VCS Grants Programme in future years. However to avoid a delay in delivering the activities, particularly the summer activities, pending the completion of that process, it was proposed to bring forward this programme now.
At the request of the Grants Scrutiny Sub – Committee, a list of recipients for the 2017/18 and 2018/19 funding was circulated as supplemental information.
The Chair of the Grants Scrutiny Sub – Committee reported feedback on its consideration of the report. In additional to requesting the above information, the Sub – Committee welcomed the proposals in principal, but sought further information regarding measures to increase take up in certain wards and amongst the LGBT community .The GSCC were satisfied with the responses. The GSSC endorsed the report.
The Mayor then invited GDSC Members to comment on the report. The GDSC also asked questions about the outreach work to encourage groups to apply for the funding particularly in the underrepresented areas. Members also requested that information on the applications process could be included in the Council’s Members’ Bulletin. In response, Officers provided reassurances about the publicity measures to encourage applications, through for example working with local groups. Officers would also work with specialist LGBT groups to provide information to such community groups on the application process. Information could also be included in the Council’s Members bulletin.
1. That the process for inviting applications for the Ageing Well Small Grants fund 2019/20 be approved.
2. That the availability of funding for the proposal be noted.
3. That the process for awarding the grant funding, and subsequent monitoring arrangements be agreed.
4. That the Joint Director of Integrated Commissioning be delegated responsibility for approving the awards of grant.