Issue - decisions
Operation Continuum
21/12/2018 - Operation Continuum
1. To note the report and the progress of Operation Continuum since its implementation in December 2017 to date.
2. To support the continuation of targeted geographic operations to disrupt drug markets in addition to business as usual law enforcement and robust policing.
3. To commend our local Borough Commander, her police officers, those in the Council funded Partnership Task Force and wider partners for their focus to date on this issue and encourage the Metropolitan Police to maintain their corporate commitment to tackling drugs with the full support of all council resources.
4. To endorse the partnership approach and ensure that we continue to build our understanding of drug markets in order to disrupt, dismantle and safeguard our communities and young people from harm.
5. To ensure robust enforcement initiatives like Continuum and targeted communications are incorporated in the future approach to tackling substance misuse problems, crime and offending.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Community Safety (A. Corbett)