Issue - decisions
Goodman's Fields NHS Provision - Committee Grant
10/04/2018 - Goodman's Fields NHS Provision - Committee Grant
The Chair noted the report which proposed to release combined S106 and CIL funding for the provision of GP facilities at the Goodman’s Fields development. An addendum report was tabled at the meeting which provided clarification of matters arising from GSSC’s review of the proposal; these concerned the sources of the funding, VAT liabilities and corrected EQIA data.
The Chair enquired and Grants Determination Sub-Committee (GDSC) Members indicated that they had no additional comments that they wished to make.
That grant funding of £4,824,474 (£3,494,990.79 of CIL and £1,329,483.21 of s106) be approved to NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group to deliver increased capacity, access and service provision in primary careand maintain continuity of local GP services.