Issue - decisions
Pan-London Modular Temporary Accommodation
22/03/2018 - Pan-London Modular Temporary Accommodation
The exempt/restricted appendix was noted.
1. To note the award of £11 million from the GLA Innovation Fund to deliver modular temporary accommodation through a pan-London collaboration between London boroughs.
2. To note the award of £20,000 from the Capital Ambition programme (hosted by London Councils) as “seed-funding” for the further development of the pan-London temporary accommodation proposals.
3. To approve the establishment of a Company Limited by Guarantee to procure and own modular temporary accommodation for the benefit of London boroughs who become members of the company, with LB Tower Hamlets as a founding member.
4. Appoint the Interim Divisional Director of Housing & Regeneration as the Council’s initial Company Director.
5. Delegate to the Corporate Director (Place) in consultation with the Corporate Director (Governance) and the Corporate Director (Resources) to approve the specific legal documentation for establishing the company.
6. Note that further decisions will be required at a later date to pass on GLA grant funding from the Council to the new Company and, if relevant, for the Council to provide debt finance to the Company.
Action by:
(Interim Head of Strategy, Regeneration Sustainability and Housing Options (M. Baigent)