Issue - decisions
ICT Future Sourcing
01/03/2018 - ICT Future Sourcing
The Exempt/Restricted Appendix was noted.
1. To adopt a hybrid model for the future sourcing of ICT services from April 2019, combining elements of insourcing, extending the existing contract with our strategic partner and then retendering to obtain optimal outcomes for the Council.
2. To agree that the Divisional Director IT insource ICT contract management, ICT project management and ICT applications management.
3. To agree that the Divisional Director IT utilise the facility within the existing contract with Agilisys, to extend the contract term for ICT technical services, for two years, to 31 March 2021 at a cost of £5.5m plus inflation per annum, referring to the detailed costings in Appendix A to the report.
4. To agree that the Divisional Director IT develop detailed plans for the future sourcing of the remaining outsourced services ahead of the extension ending on 31 March 2021; considering further insourcing of services and the use of government procurement frameworks.
5. To authorise the use of up to £3.0m from the ICT Transformation Reserve to create a transition programme to manage the process, including drafting a Deed of Variation; managing the TUPE transfer of staff to the Council, completing the assignment, novation and re-procurement of ICT contracts and the purchase of hardware, software and services for transferred staff, referring to the detailed costings in Appendix A to the report.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, IT (A. Gorst)