Issue - decisions
The impact of short-term holiday platform lets
22/03/2018 - The impact of short-term holiday platform lets
The exempt/restricted appendix was noted.
1. To apply to the Secretary of State for Housing to exempt from the 90-day permission those parts of the borough that are most severely affected by the growth of short-term letting
2. To work at a leadership level with MPs, the GLA, Local Authorities negatively affected by the growth of short-term letting, and other stakeholders to lobby Government for legislative change
3. To develop a substantial communications plan around short-term holiday lets using social, on-line and traditional media in order to deter unlawful holiday letting and to support to the council’s lobbying objectives
4. To ensure that work is carried forward by Tower Hamlets Homes and by THHF to ensure that Registered Providers enforce lease restrictions against all leaseholders who operate ‘Airbnb businesses’
5. To establish a working group to establish lead responsibility and a multi-agency response to problematic short-term letting including through enforcing health and safety, tax, and insurance compliance
6. To set up an on-line system by which residents affected by short-term letting can log with the Council addresses and dates where those lettings take place
7. To develop policy on Community Protection Notices that includes their use for problematic short-term letting, and delegates power to Registered Providers in order that they can serve them on short-term letting providers rather than their licensees
Action by:
(Private Sector Housing Policy Officer (M. Lancaster)