Issue - decisions
Landlord Licensing [Post Consultation]
04/02/2016 - Licensing of the Private Rented Housing Sector
1. To agree, considering the options available, to introduced a Selective Licensing scheme within Weavers, Whitechapel and Spitalfields and Banglatown areas (pre May 22nd 2014 ward boundaries)
2. To confirm that the proposed designation criteria for introducing Selective Licensing, as outlined in this report have been met.
3. To agree to delegate to the Corporate Director of Communities Localities and Culture to setting the commencement date and issuing of the required statutory notifications in relation to the notification of the Selective Licensing scheme designation.
4. To agree the fee structure, licence conditions, and Housing Standards which it is proposed are adopted as part of scheme.
5. To agree to delegate to the Director of Communities Localities and Culture, authority to bring in the lower fee for all applications to enable the scheme to be introduced sooner depending on the duration of the ICT development and introduction.
6. To agree that no further exemptions to the scheme should be considered in addition to the statutory exemptions.
7. To agree that additional licensing should be considered further, subject to approval with the Mayor and Lead Members, once the extent of the Governments consultation of extending the definition of a licensable House in Multiple Occupation is known and that a cross-party letter be prepared as a submission to the Government expressing Members support for additional licensing powers for Local Authorities.
Action by:
(Head of Environmental Health and Trading Standards (D. Tolley)