Issue - decisions
Corporate Revenue, Capital Outturn and Performance Monitoring Report 2014/15 Quarter 4 (Month 12)
30/07/2015 - Strategic Performance, 14/15 General Fund Revenue Budget and Capital Programme Monitoring Q4/Year End
1. To note the Council’s financial performance compared to budget for 2014/15 as detailed in sections 3 to 8 and appendices 1-5 of this report.
2. To note the transfers to reserves as detailed in Appendix 5 of this report.
3. To review and note 2014/15 year end performance for strategic measures and Strategic Plan activities in sections 9 -10 and appendices 6 to 7.
4. To review and note the findings of the Council’s Annual Residents Survey 2014/15 in section 11 and appendix 8.
Action by:
(Service Head, Corporate Strategy and Equality (L. Russell)
(Chief Accountant (K. Miles)