Issue - decisions
Welfare Reform and Discretionary Support
02/08/2013 - Welfare Reform and Discretionary Support
1. To note the likely impact of welfare reform and the limited funds available to provide support meaning we need to think carefully about how to support those most in need;
2. To agree the option at paragraph 7.9.2 to provide funding of £2.2 million to the Mayor’s Temporary Accommodation Support Fund.
3. Subject to the decision relating to recommendation 2.2 above, transfer £950,000 from the earmarked reserve for Homelessness to the Housing Options Budget for 2013/14 to support the Mayor’s Temporary Accommodation Support Fund.
4. To consider any additional or new considerations which should form the basis of determining eligibility for the Support Fund;
5. To review the revised Discretionary Housing Payments policy;
Action by:
(Service Head, Corporate Strategy and Equality (L. Russell)
(Service Head, Housing Options (C. Cormack)
(Service Head, Customer Access and ICT (C. Symonds)