Issue - decisions
Review of proportionality and appointments to committees and panels of the Council
29/03/2010 - Review of proportionality and appointments to committees
Councillor Lutfur Rahman moved and Councillor Joshua Peck seconded an amendment to the recommendations set out in the report. This was agreed and the substantive recommendations as amended were agreed as follows:
1. That the review of proportionality at paragraph 3 of the report be noted and the allocation of seats on committees and panels established for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2009/10 be agreed as set out at paragraph 4.2.
2. That Members and deputies be appointed to serve on the committees and panels affected by this change in accordance with the nominations from the political groups to be notified to the Assistant Chief Executive.
3. That Councillor Fazlul Haque be removed as Chair of the Audit Committee and Councillor Salim Ullah be removed as Chair of the Appeals Committee.
4. That no appointments be made to the Chair these Committees until the start of the 2010/11 municipal year
5. That Councillor Fazlul Haque be removed as the Council’s representative to the board of Tower Hamlets Homes, to be replaced by Councillor Sirajul Islam.
(Action by: John S. Williams, Service Head, Democratic Services)