Issue - decisions
Serious Violence and Exploitation Strategy
13/09/2024 - Serious Violence and Exploitation Strategy
1. Approve the Serious Violence and Exploitation Strategy (Appendix 1 to the report) which is being brought to Cabinet for adoption by the Council as a “duty holder” and a member of the Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
2. Advise the Community Safety Partnership that robust governance arrangements for the new strategy are put in place to oversee delivery and to ensure there is accountability for all the “duty holders’, involved.
3. Advise the Community Safety Partnership that an effective data set is developed to assess performance and will enable constructive challenge across the system.
4. To note the existing Violence and Vulnerability Reduction Action Plan (Appendix 2 to the report). This plan encompasses the broad spectrum of partnership work and operational delivery that will form the local response to serious violence and exploitation. This will be further developed as part of this range of work.
5. To note the governance arrangements for the Strategy will be through the statutory Community Safety Partnership Board. However, there are a number of other statutory boards that have responsibility and play a critical role in the delivery of this strategy across the wider system e.g. the Health and Wellbeing Board, the Safeguarding Adults Board and the Safeguarding Children’s Partnership.
Action by
Director of Community Safety (A. Corbett)