Issue - decisions
Improving the Homelessness Service
20/05/2024 - Improving the Homelessness Service
The Mayor noted and agreed the reasons for urgency as set out in the report. Councillor Jahed Choudhury, Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, informed attendees that he had received the reasons for the urgency and he agreed that the decision was urgent and that he felt it was reasonable for the Mayor to consider the report at this Cabinet meeting.
1. Approve the immediate release £1.93m additional revenue allocation from the council’s budgeted service contingency general fund provision for improvements to the Housing Options homelessness services as summarised in section 3.5 and detailed in Appendix 1 to the report.
2. Agree that the service improvements will include:
· Development of capacity on the frontline to provide an empathetic and dignified response to every service user seeking support by identifying gaps, shortages and whether there are capacity and skills issues.
· A full and complete service review and redesign, with immediate reorganisation to be initiated.
· Cultural and structural changes, to prevent staff churn and ensure that the newly recruited frontline workers are retained within the organisation.
· Review of the structural composition of the service to identify key issues that may be affecting service delivery.
· Review senior management arrangements and the performance across the service to understand the relationship with frontline workers, both outward[1]facing and in the back office.
· Establish a service review, with a view to creating a revised and refreshed service delivery plan to address key areas of cultural concerns and staffing shortages in the service.
3. Establish a special taskforce designed to give focused and prioritised attention to overseeing the recruitment and restructuring of the service. This will include the Corporate Directors for Resources and Housing and Regeneration (or representative), a representative from the Mayor’s Office, representatives from the Council’s recognised Trade Unions and delegates from the service.
4. Note the allocation of this additional funding in the current year will be built into the Medium-Term financial planning for future years and is not forecast to compromise the council's sustainable financial position across the current medium.
5. Note contingency sums for the current year have been set aside within the approved budget for exactly such specific purpose. Our MTFS was approved by members with explicit reference to demand-based risks relating to temporary accommodation. Further information and assurance are set out in the Chief Financial Officer’s comments at section 6 of this report.
6. Note all impact on staffing will be compliant with the council’s stated principles of focussing investment in front line services, protecting the lowest paid and avoiding compulsory redundancy situations wherever possible.
7. Note the specific equalities considerations as set out in Paragraph 4 of the report.
Action by
Director Housing (K. Swift)