Issue - decisions
Recommendations for the delivery of Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) to all Secondary School Pupils
29/05/2023 - Recommendations for the delivery of Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) to all Secondary School Pupils
1. Agree to fund the meal price at £2.90 per pupil per day rising to £3 in year 2 of the project.
2. Agree to a 3-phase approach to launching the project to allow schools to prepare appropriately for the deliver of meals to all secondary school pupils.
3. Agree to fund the upfront investment costs for all the schools estimated to be a total of £722,350 to ensure schools have the correct equipment and resources to increase their catering capacity.
4. Approve the Conditions of Grant, support provision and evaluation activities for schools. These will provide a clear and consistent framework on how to derive maximum benefit from the project (encouraging uptake of good quality nutritious school meals) as well as providing data to demonstrate maximum value for money for Tower Hamlets’ investment in UFSM.
Corporate Director Children’s Services, (J. THOMAS)
Director of Commissioning and Culture (M. Eady)