Issue - decisions
Building Safety Management Shadow Framework
26/11/2021 - Building Safety Management Shadow Framework
1. To approve the LBTH/THH’s Shadow (Residential) Building Safety Framework as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report, noting that it is an interim framework which is subject to change pending the Building Safety Bill progressing through Parliament.
2. To approve delegated authority for Corporate Director of Place to recruit to the new Council role of Building Safety Lead (Client Team).
3. To appoint THH as the Interim Building Safety Manager.
4. To note that in due course amendments will be required to the Council’s Constitution to delegate appropriate responsibilities to the Building Safety Lead (Client Team).
5. To note that any required budget to fund the new building safety roles will be applied for through the budget setting process.
6. To consider a further report on the recommended final (Residential) Building Safety Framework pending the Building Safety Bill passing through the final stages in Parliament or when the requirements of the impending Act become clear.
Action by:
(Director of Housing and Regeneration (K. Swift)