Issue - decisions
Authority to renew the lease at Sonali Gardens to provide continuity of care
30/07/2021 - Authority to renew the lease at Sonali Gardens to provide continuity of care
The exempt appendices were noted.
1. To note the position with regard tothe proposed new contracts for the provision of day care and community support hub and spoke activities service.
2. To note that premises at Sonali Gardens, which the Council holds on a lease from Clarion Housing, are required as an on-going location for the service and that the existing lease expires in March 2022.
3. To agree that the Council enters into a new lease for a term of up to 15 years, whilst seeking flexibility in the lease, and on the basis of the rent and other main commercial terms set out in Exempt Appendix 1 to the report.
4. To agree to delegate authority to the Corporate Director, Place Directorate to agree the remaining lease terms and any minor variations to the terms in the Appendices 1 to the report.
5. To Agree to issue a direct award to the Peabody Trust for the provision of day care at the maximum estimated value of £2,100,000 for up to 6 years (4+1+1 contract) at Sundial building and delegate authority to the Corporate Director, Health Adults and Communities Directorate, to agree the terms.
6. To agree that £135,000.00 funding (agreed by the Cabinet on 03/03/2021 to provide a community support hub service) will be added to the value of day care contracts in Sonali and Sundial to provide community support hub service. The proportion is yet to be determined.
7. To note that the contracts’ value might increase in year 5 and 6 by a maximum of 3 % (based on forecasted inflation rate of the Retail Price Index in the United Kingdom from 2021 to 2025) of the contracts’ value due to inflation.
Action by:
(Head of Asset Management (S. Shapiro)
(Senior Project Manager (A. Wojcik)