Issue - decisions
Approved Capital programme 20/2023 – additional projects
27/11/2020 - Approved Capital programme 20/2023 – additional projects
Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted.
The reasons for urgency set out in the report were agreed.
1. To approve the budget allocation of £37.133m for additions to the Approved Capital Programme (Table 3) set out in this report, subject to sign off through the capital governance process, agreement to proceed given by the Corporate Director of Place and Corporate Director of Resources and that schemes funded by future capital receipts, s106 and/or CIL will not go ahead until such funds have been securely received (an appendix will be tabled at CLB).
2. To note the funding sources for the new additions to the Annual Rolling Programme, as set out in paragraph 4.7 of the report.
3. To note the funding sources for the new additions to the Invest to Save programme, as set out in paragraph 4.8 of the report, subject to business cases being approved by the Corporate Director of Place and Corporate Director of Resources.
4. To note the funding sources for the additional schemes being added to the Approved Capital Programme 2020/21 to 2022/23.
5. To approve delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Place and Corporate Director of Resources for all activities required to deliver the additional schemes e.g. go out to tender, appoint consultants and contractors, acquire land interests, appropriate land from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for the delivery of new council homes, subject to approved budget.
6. To note that this programme requires a reduction to Year 3 of the Streetlighting Replacement Programme by £0.060m to provide sufficient capital receipts for other priority schemes.
Action by:
(Interim Head of Capital Delivery (J. Abraham)