Issue - decisions
Planning for School Place 2020/21
27/11/2020 - Planning for School Places 2020/21
Pre-Decision Scrutiny Questions and officer responses were noted.
1. To note the position on the current and projected demand for school places.
2. To note the progress made in relation to:
a. the actions being taken to rationalise the primary school provision in the west of the borough where there is surplus;
b. the plans and options for future school developments to meet the anticipated need for additional primary places in the east of the borough, including the expansion of existing schools and the development of a new school at Wood Wharf on the Isle of Dogs;
c. the development of the new secondary school at London Dock;
d. the development of the new secondary school site at Westferry Printworks on the Isle of Dogs;
e. the rebuild/refurbish George Green’s Secondary School;
f. the expansion of Phoenix Special School and the plan for the enlargement of Beatrice Tate Special School.
3. To note the specific equalities considerations as set out in Paragraph 5 of the report.
4. To note that this report sets out the council’s plan to exercise its Education functions aligned with the functions of the council as a Local Planning Authority (LPA), and particularly concerning the approach to the current allocation of school sites in the Local Plan as adopted in January 2020. The council intends to initiate a review of the Local Plan over the course of the next year.
5. To agree to authorise the Corporate Director - Place to enter into the development agreement and the works funding agreement and all other related agreements (including leasing heads of terms if necessary) with the Department For Education in order to access the DFE contribution for the construction of a new secondary school on the London Dock Site.
Action by:
(Service Head (Pupil Services and School Sufficiency) (T. Bryan)
(School Organisation and Place Planning Manager (I. Mkparu)