Issue - decisions
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) s75
31/01/2020 - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) s75
1. To approve the implementation of the integrated CAMHS Section 75 from 1st April 2020, on a three year basis (1+1+1).
2. To delegate to the Corporate Director Children and Culture authority to sign a written agreement for the S.75 Agreement on behalf of the council, and sign any amendments that may be required to the agreement over the life of the contract.
3. To authorise extending financial payment, via a S.75 from Tower Hamlets council to Tower Hamlets CCG from £424,000 per annum up to £1,229,800 per annum for 3 years (£3,689,400) between April 2020 to March 2023.
4. To note potential option to transfer LBTH staff members to the provider.
5. To note the contract approach and timelines outlined in the report.
Action by:
(Interim Head of Service, Children’s Integrated Commissioning Team (A. Harris)
(Senior Commissioning Manager (K. Tummers)