Issue - decisions
Liveable Streets Bethnal Green consultation outcome report
31/01/2020 - Liveable Streets Bethnal Green consultation outcome report
The recommendations were amended and then agreed.
1. To note the results of the engagement to date and public consultation of Bethnal Green Liveable Streets.
2. To approve the final scheme design for the Bethnal Green area as part of the Liveable Streets programme (Appendix B to the report) but following representations received, to explore further technical details around the design without fundamentally re-visiting the proposals:
- Ensuring further consultation on the Jesus Hospital Estate and include the possibility of using Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras.
- Noting that at the next stage there would be engagement with residents generally to co-design environmental improvements where these are part of Liveable Streets.
- Noting the proposed planned Bethnal Green Road improvements around the market area which is not part of the Liveable Streets programme.
- Noting the need to implement new open spaces effectively taking into account their location/environment.
- Noting comments in respect of need to continue to engage emergency services in developing the plans.
- Noting the plans were being implemented through a series of Experimental Traffic Management Orders.
- Noting concerns around wayfinding for pedestrians.
- The need to ensure comprehensive consideration of disability issues on the design of the various features.
- To explore the design of the closures on Old Bethnal Green Road at the junctions of Teesdale Street, Canroberts Street to ensure they are correct including considering the potential for timed closures
- To consider the management of the closure of Warner place and Squirries Street as part of the planned phase design of the scheme including considering the potential for timed closures.
3. To approve the use of using existing frameworks or term contracts to award an order up to a value of £2.7million for the completion of the works.
Action by:
(Divisional Director, Public Realm (D. Jones)
(Programme Director (C. Harrison)