Agenda item
Presented by Matthew Pullen-Infrastructure Planning Manager.
The item will help Members understand how Thames Water is responding to growth and infrastructure needs, in particular for new and existing households.
The Committee Received the Report of Matthew Pullen (Major Projects Development Officer) regarding low water pressure. Simon Moore and colleagues from Thames Water were present to respond to questions from Members.
Questions and responses:
Can we have a detailed breakdown of complaints? TW representative agreed to provide the committee with a detailed breakdown of complaints with analysis. He said the information was not ready for presentation at the meeting but he could provide this post meeting.
What is the impact of water boosters for the rest of the building? There is a common issue amongst residents that once water is used in one part of the house, pressure falls in another part.
TW representatives said that booster boxes were installed for the whole block and were designed to supply the whole property. He could not comment on low pressure for private set ups.
Are there boosters in surrounding areas for existing customers? Yes, Thames Water looks to improve areas as a whole not just the new builds.
How is the water pressure measured? Thames Water takes measurements throughout the day and at critical points. Where there is a low pressure issue a technician is sent to investigate. A measurement device or logger is left at the customers stop value for the next couple of days to continue to record pressures. Thames Water produced an annual pressure profile.
Residents have experienced a reduction in water pressure after the introduction of a new build in the area. Can TW install temporary measures in blocks to resolve problems in the short term, whilst longer term infrastructure is being developed?
TW representatives said that they were operating at an average pressure of 1.8 bar which was above the 1 bar statutory requirement. Members pointed out that Bow and Poplar were getting below the average pressure.
TW representatives said TW had installed additional booster pumps to address concerns raised by Tower Hamlets residents. They were not aware of any further projects to install additional boosters in blocks. There was however a longer term plan for reinforcing works from Walthamstow to feed into the borough over the next year. This would help alleviate pressure issues.
Some people fear that installing a water meter would increase their bill. How proactive are you in reducing the water bill considering water bills have gone up, especially for THCH residents?
TW representatives said that they were using THCH as a collection authority. They would need to take this query back for investigation before commenting. With regards to lowering bills, TW offered a range of affordable tariffs and advised people to look into switching their tariff to lower costs.
Could you provide us with data on the number of call outs you have in relation to low pressure complaints? Thames Water representatives said they do have this data and would send it to the Committee.
Councillors were asked to send Simon Moore a list of affected properties or housing associations affected for investigation. Councillors said Poplar HARCA properties in particular seemed to be significantly affected by pressure issues.
- To note the report.
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